

Check out the latest biographies here.

Biography of Martyr Abbas Babae

Biography of Martyr Abbas Babae

‘Innovation is born out of limitations’, Iranian military hero and Martyr Abbas Babae reminds his fellow officer after they struggle with the lack of replacement parts for their fighter jets. This was our war hero always inspiring fellow officers that they should...

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Biography of Martyr Mahdi Zainuddin

Biography of Martyr Mahdi Zainuddin

The inspiration of martyrdom begins when the martyr makes his intention. This intention inspires the heart and soul of that person to express something which is greater than the individual is. Martyrs are a source of inspiration for the oppressed masses of the world....

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Biography of Martyr Muhammad Reza Dehghan Amiri

Biography of Martyr Muhammad Reza Dehghan Amiri

The day Fatemeh Toosi saw her son off to the Syrian war, on the quest for martyrdom, she did not cry. At the door of their middle-class apartment, she held aloft a Quran as her son passed underneath, a traditional drill for true believers of the Islamic Republic bound...

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Check out the latest wills of the Martyrs here.

Will of Martyr Qasem Soleimani

Will of Martyr Qasem Soleimani

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful I testify to the main principles of Islam I testify that there is no god but Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. I testify that Ali bin Abi Talib and his immaculate children – the twelve Imams – are...

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Memoirs and Stories of the Martyrs narrated by their family and friends.

Memory of Martyr Ali Reza Nikunaam

Memory of Martyr Ali Reza Nikunaam

Everyone of us wore the special dress for the war front given to us except Ali Reza.I asked him, "Ali Reza, why are you not wearing the dress?! Don't you want to go to the front?He replied,"I am going to the war front for the sake of Allah. I do not like that someone...

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Memory of Martyr Hasan Mustafavi

Memory of Martyr Hasan Mustafavi

(as narrated by the martyr's wife) His back had burned due to the fire caused by RPG. Inorder to extinguish the fire, he threw himself in the rubble and sand. The burn had deduced his meat into bone. Every day when I washed his bedsheet on which he would sleep, I...

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Memory of Martyr Abbas Asmiyeh

Memory of Martyr Abbas Asmiyeh

He used to love the books of the martyrs very much. He would always connect himself with the martyrs specially Martyr Himmat.One day while he was leaving for Syria, he said to me: Mother, I have learned a lot of things from these martyrs. If one day I am not present,...

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Check out the latest books of the Martyrs here.

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