
Memory of Martyr Mohsin Hojaji

Hameed Khalili (friend of Martyr Mohsin Hojaji) says: One of the co workers of Mohsin during the military service, who was a Ahle Sunnah, called me and said: Mohsin’s clothes cupboard was library of books for all of us at the base. He used to give so many books to the soldiers that the base used to object sometimes.

Mohsin was so fond of books that he met his to be wife for the first time in the exhibition of books of Holy Defense. The first gift that he gave her was also the book called as Another storm is on its way (Tofan digari dar raah ast). His wife also gave him a book called as Soldiers of the cloudy years (Sarbaze saal haye abri).

In order to become a Martyr, the first thing that one needs is a culture, culture of book reading, culture of etiquettes in front of people, culture to increase your information and the culture to observe courtesy with Allah are the most obvious and clear behaviour of the martyrs.


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