
Written by Martyr Mohsin Hojaji and narrated by the martyr’s wife to Imam Khameini

For the culture, war is war. Be it either hard war or soft war. They kill some with their bodies, while they ‘kill’ others using their culture.

They killed us for 8 years so much that they wanted to remove the roots of Islam. But it grew even more. It has been few years they have started to attack from the leaves and the branches (of Islam). They have taken a pledge to burn down the whole tree. Do not neglect the soft war!

Soft war is in need of men who are steady and firm… Maybe it is not the bullets from the gun..but they have aimed at the ideologies in such a way that you won’t realize when it hits you.
If the bullet hits you, then you will become an example for others, but if their deception hits you….then?!

My dear brothers and sisters, pls pay attention to your ‘trenches’… Towards your veil, your dignity, your modesty, your faith…they are aiming towards each and everything….everything! The enemies have taken the soft war more seriously than the hard war. Do not take it as a game that you lose. Your culture, your faith, your beliefs…everything is for you. The enemies have thought that these are from you.

If they take away your faith…what else do you have? Please pay alot of attention to all this… Your enemy is standing against their own God, so you are nothing… Soft War.. Soft War.. Soft War… Please take the Soft War seriously!!!


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