
Memory of Martyr Ali Reza Nikunaam

Memory of Martyr Ali Reza Nikunaam

Everyone of us wore the special dress for the war front given to us except Ali Reza.I asked him, "Ali Reza, why are you not wearing the dress?! Don't you want to go to the front?He replied,"I am going to the war front for the sake of Allah. I do not like that someone...

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Memory of Martyr Hasan Mustafavi

Memory of Martyr Hasan Mustafavi

(as narrated by the martyr's wife) His back had burned due to the fire caused by RPG. Inorder to extinguish the fire, he threw himself in the rubble and sand. The burn had deduced his meat into bone. Every day when I washed his bedsheet on which he would sleep, I...

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Memory of Martyr Abbas Asmiyeh

Memory of Martyr Abbas Asmiyeh

He used to love the books of the martyrs very much. He would always connect himself with the martyrs specially Martyr Himmat.One day while he was leaving for Syria, he said to me: Mother, I have learned a lot of things from these martyrs. If one day I am not present,...

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Memory of Martyr Mohsin Hojaji

Memory of Martyr Mohsin Hojaji

(as narrated by the martyr's wife) : Agha Mohsin's concern for the upbringing of Ali was very strange. He was concerned alot for his upbringing, both before and after his birth. He was sensitive towards everything, even towards what Ali ate.He was also attentive...

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Memory of Martyr Pilot Ahmad Kishwari

Memory of Martyr Pilot Ahmad Kishwari

When I used to offer breakfast to the pilots, it used to be butter, jam and cheese. One day, Martyr Kishwari called me and said :You are working in a guesthouse in a war prone area.Know that our country is in a state of war and therefore under economic sanctions. You...

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Memory of Martyr Mustafa Sadr Zadeh

Memory of Martyr Mustafa Sadr Zadeh

(as narrated by the martyr's wife) One day, he kept Fatima on the kitchen's platform and said: Jump Fatima!And she jumped.Then he looked at me and said: See, Fatima had so much faith in me. She jumped and knew that I would catch her. If we would have such a faith in...

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Memory of Martyr Husain Kharrazi

Memory of Martyr Husain Kharrazi

(as narrated by Agha Murtazavi) "If someone did not recognize him; he would not believe that the Commander of the army of Imam Husain a is in front of him." "The congregation prayers of Zohr just got over. A person took the box of sweets. Since the time was less; he...

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Memory of Martyr Mustafa Sadr Zadeh

Memory of Martyr Mustafa Sadr Zadeh

(as narrated by the martyr's wife) It was the first year of our lives together. Agha Mustafa was busy with the work of the gatherings during those days. On the day of martyrdom of Lady Fatima Zahra (sa). I saw that before Agha Mustafa left for the gathering, he was...

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Memory of Martyr Ruhullah Qorbani

Memory of Martyr Ruhullah Qorbani

He used to say, I want to get martyred in such a way that there is no need of a shroud. He was a lover of the lamentations of Abbas (as).He used to say that a person should keep a gathering at his house with the lamentations of Abbas (as), even if only five people...

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